Sunday after Pentecost; Yr. C, June 23, 2013
Isaiah 65:1-9; Psalm 22:18-27; Galatians 3:23-39; Luke 8:26-39
preached at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
week I spent a day at Northeastern Seminary listening to a conference on Emergence Christianity given by Phyllis Tickle.
She talked all about the sociological changes that have taken place over
the last 100 years that have brought us to the place we are today in
So, you might be asking
yourselves, what does this event have to do with today’s readings? Good question. I ask myself that question every week. What does anything in my life have to do with
what I’m reading in scripture? Maybe
it’s a question we should all be asking ourselves; because if we believe that
scripture is the source of authority for our faith, than it has something to
say about the decisions we make about how to live our lives.
scripture the authority?