20th Sunday
after Pentecost, Yr. B, October 14, 2012
Amos 5:6-7,10-15; Psalm
90:12-17; Hebrews 4:12-16; Mark 10:17-31
Sermon preached at St.
Stephen’s Episcopal Church
I’ve been here long enough
that this is my second time preaching on this passage from Mark. Most of us are pretty well acquainted
with the story of the “rich young man”.
A wealthy young man comes to Jesus, and asks what must I do to inherit
eternal life?” Jesus responds by
telling him what was surely obvious to a faithful Jew, “follow the
commandments.” Jesus even spells
them out to him. The young man
replies, “I have kept all these since my youth.” Who remembers?
How does Jesus respond? He
says, “Go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have
treasure in heaven.” Isn’t that
what we remember? That’s what I
usually remember … but that’s not all that’s there