Sunday; Yr. C, March 24, 2013
50:4-9a; Psalm 31:9-16; Philippians 2:5-11; Luke 22:14-23:56
preached at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Sometimes it can happen to these cheeks
When a poem visits my mind for the
first time
And begins to look around.
They can wonder why rain is falling on them,
And causing my nose to run too.
O boy, what a mess love makes of
me. But
There is nothing else right now I
would rather
be doing … than reaping something from
field in another dimension
and leaving it in the marketplace for
any who
might happen by.
Leave something in the marketplace for
Before you leave this world.
As I read through the story of
Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and his passion in preparation for this
morning, I thought about those on the side of the road who watched as their
hope walked the road to death, as tears fell like rain on their cheeks. What a mess love makes of things. God sent Jesus to be human out of love. Jesus walked to his death out of love. We retell his passion today out of love … and
tears fall like rain if we spend too much time with it.
If love hadn't been at the heart of
these events, I think it might have been a lot less messy.